The national indicators component provides a quantitative, numerical and visual summary of the national situation, as it presents a true picture of the national scene and the extent of progress or decline at various levels, away from fabricated reports, press scoops and media briefings, as it derives its indicators from global indicators approved by international organizations such as Transparency International and United Nations organizations such as the World Bank and others, which suggests the reliability of the indicators and the effectiveness of their implications, and most importantly, their global comprehensiveness, which is generally not biased towards the thought of any political alliances or economic or social ideologies.
While these international organizations present their reports based on these indicators at the global level over an annual timeline, it is possible to obtain this information at the national level and benefit from it in planning, exploring weaknesses, understanding their causes, and working to address them based on the facts provided by these indicators, and presenting this information in a transparent manner on the portal, available to the experts’ forum, the social media hub, and the public’s platform to benefit from its information in research, proposal, and analysis.
The National Indicators Component provides monthly/quarterly/semi-annual/annual reports and any specific time period to read these indicators, analyze their values and link them to their causes. It also helps in collecting these statistics from several aspects, such as geographical areas (for example: north/south/center/coast/badia...), or governorates and states and their lower administrative divisions, or population distributions (according to density/age rates/gender/educational levels...). The component also contains a distinctive feature in linking indicators to limit values (upper, lower and warning limits) and linking the analysis of indicators to each other (such as analyzing human development indicators with democracy indicators), especially the division down (Drill Down) and the aggregation up (Roll Up) according to a specific criterion, as this allows a deeper understanding of the nature of the indicator and an understanding of its deviations from the natural fields. For example, an indicator of peace and non-violence can show a value exceeding the natural limit at the national level, but by dividing down, where the value of the indicator is displayed at the governorate level, it becomes clear, for example, that two governorates give more than half of the total value from the national total, and thus the research and analysis focus on these two governorates to investigate the causes of violence and work to reduce crime rates.
The component also presents referendums proposed by the Expert Forum and voted on by citizens in the Public Forum component, so that decision-makers can approach public attitudes towards proposed policies or enacted laws (with the possibility of filtering the results according to the above-mentioned specifications of geographic areas and demographic population distributions).
The national indicators component ensures everyone’s participation in information about public affairs and the national situation, which enhances the principle of partnership and achieves the principles of transparency and accountability, and most importantly, responds to problems and includes everyone in reading reality and proposing solutions that are characterized by majority orientation and increase efficiency and effectiveness in the governance system.