In this forum, study centers can be established for teams of experts who belong to different institutions, and who have distinguished academic and professional experiences that are documented for retrieval with the help of the system and its users by searching for the expertise required for a specific work team, which provides an objective selection of experts suitable for participation in a work team that researches a specific problem or research topic. Expert discussions revolve around new topics that can branch into subtopics and can also be linked to previous topics, parallel topics, or external links. These discussions can contain any type of information media (images, audio, video, charts, maps, presentations, text documents, expansion slides, or any other digital files.) This allows for the construction of integrated search files equipped with keywords and tree classifications, and allows for referendums and voting at any stage of the discussion, when the need to weigh some alternatives over others is necessary to complete the discussion, or to transform it into a public vote to test the pulse on the compatibility of the final and interim results with the benefits of the target groups.
One of the unique features of the Experts Forum is the ability to design Focus Groups to test the validity of specific solutions by specifying the specifications of individuals, their number, and the method of interaction with them, which can consist of a thoughtful combination of (Investigations, Questionnaires, Designed Tests and Experiments, Polling), which are tools that will be available within the system. The results can also be analyzed using another set of tools such as (Histograms, Charts, Pareto Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram), which are also tools available within the system.
Issues to be discussed by experts can be suggested by transferring them from the Social Hub component on matters suggested by events with officials, or the Public Forum component on recurring complaints from the public on a topic, or from the National Indicators component on one or more indicators that require research to solve the Risk it refers to or enhance the Opportunity it also refers to.
The Experts Forum promotes the achievement of the principles of partnership in governance and responding to studies and analytical research, which achieves the comprehensiveness of expertise and does not exclude it, and transparency in presenting problems and needs and the reasons for adopting or rejecting the proposed solutions, which contributes to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the governance system, and ensuring the orientation of the majority when presenting the results for public voting and taking majority votes.